Baby is 7 Months Old

I know that it has been a while (2 months?!) since my last post, so it’s about time I update you all.

First of all, allow me to explain my absence. I have been staying at home with my little guy since he was born, but a few weeks ago, I was unexpectedly offered a teaching position. That same week, we were in the process of moving, so between unpacking, frenzied lesson planning, grading papers, and just trying to settle into our new routines, blogging just did not carry the same priority it previously did.

So now that I am a working mommy, things are certainly different! A family friend is watching him during the week, which is amazing. Baby transitioned seamlessly, which I attribute to our wonderful sitter.  And because he was with someone we trusted, I never had to worry. I didn’t even cry on his first day, which I was shocked by. (Honestly, there isn’t really time to worry about him when you are a high school teacher, but I didn’t even cry during the car ride to school!)

Baby just turned 7 months old, and he is on the move! He is crawling, albeit a very rudimentary form of Army crawling, but none-the-less, he’s mobile! He is scooting and rolling and huffing all the time. He would rather practice walking, but we are trying to encourage him to crawl, as I have read all of the research on babies who skip crawling. He loves holding mommy or daddy’s hands and “walking” all over the house.


He is an eating machine! He still wants a bottle every 3 hours, including nighttime, unfortunately. But he is enjoying solid foods too. I think he is just enjoying making messes, but whatever makes him happy, right?

He now weighs around 17 pounds, has two teeth, and still loves Toy Story more than any 7 month should. He smiles constantly and is a babbling fool. We are so blessed to have such a happy little guy!

I promise I will try to write as often as possible!

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